Life is short. Be grateful

Difference between __init__() and __new__() method in Python



In Pyhton, there are some built-in functions when creating a class that looks like __func_name__. There are two of them, __new__ and __init__. I found it’s very interesting that we seldomly use __new__ but mostly just use __init__. But actually they are bit different and are all useful for different senarios.

How to use Python FastAPI and NGINX to deploy a web app with docker compose



FastAPI is a high performance web framework in Python 3.6+ that booming very fast recently. While NGINX is one of the most popular open source load balancer that been used widely as a reverse proxy in front of the app.

How to install MySQL and MySQL Workbench with docker compose



MySQL is one of the most popular open source relational database management system (RDBMS) thus a good tool for learning SQL. This artical shows how to quickly implement a MySQL env locally with docker-compose and visit it by a GUI called MySQL workbench.

The Usage of *args and **kwargs in Python



In a python function, we need to pass params but sometimes you may find two weird thing like *args or **kwargs. These two special charactors means we can pass multiple arguments or keyword arguments to a function.

The Order of Basic SQL execution
