The Order of Basic SQL execution
09 Aug 2021 | SQL dataSQL, short for Structured Query Lanuguage, is widely used in proramming and desigined for managing data in a relational database management system.
A very basic SQL query looks like this:
select *
where [col_name] = *
In the modern world, SQL query planners can do all sorts of tricks to make queries run more efficiently, but they must always reach the same final answer as a query that is executed per the standard SQL order of execution. This order is:
Order | Clause | Function |
1 | from | Choose and join tables to get base data |
2 | where | Filters the base data |
3 | group by | Aggregates the base data |
4 | having | Filters the aggregated data |
5 | select | Returns the final data |
6 | order by | Sorts the final data |
7 | limit | Limits the returned data to a raw count |
Looks like different from the writing order right?